We are a charitable trust to help the drive for improved standards in education in the Tiverton area. The Co-operative School Trust model enables schools to set themselves up as co-operatives, following co-operative values and principles and allowing those who are directly involved in them – parents/carers, staff, governors and learners – to become engaged in its long-term strategic direction through membership of the Trust. This will also allow other members of learners’ families and the wider community to become involved.
Some of the key projects we are involved in are:

Tiverton Lantern Parade
Part of Tiverton’s Christmas Light Switch on. Hundreds of local children made lanterns and marched through town, to end at Phoenix Lane when the lights were switched on.

Two Rivers Festival
A summer event with performances by the students of Tiverton’s Schools and Tiverton Community Arts Theatre.

Lion King, July 2015
Part of 2RivTiv – over 3000 people saw the show over 2 nights outdoors on the grounds of Tiverton High School. All 11 local primaries and students from THS were in the cast of over 500 children.
Looking for information on the Two Rivers Festival?
A message from the Chair of Tiverton Co-operative Learning Partnership
“Whether you are already a Member of our Partnership or are visiting us for the first time, we hope you will see that we want every child in our care to experience success, happiness and academic excellence. I hope that you will find much to inspire and enjoy on our website.
The rationale for becoming a Partnership, the contribution it will make and the direction it will provide has been based on a long history of collaborative working between the local primary schools, the High School and community and business organisations in Tiverton. The brief outline on the Vision and Values page will give you an insight into our reasons for change and the commitment we bring to this model of collaboration.
I am fortunate to be involved in such an organisation and I never cease to be amazed by the children and young people who make up our learning community and hope that you will be keen to join us as a Member.”
— Vera Southcombe
The Partnership
The Co-operative Trust schools are supported in ensuring that achievement is raised and a coherent provision is available across all phases of education by the partnership model below:
Tiverton Co-operative Learning Partnership
Aims to ensure a high-quality learning experience from 3-19 for children and young people in Tiverton and the surrounding area
We will work closely with a partnership of other local schools. Such as Bampton, Bickleigh-on-Exe, Rackenford and St John’s Primary schools, associate school member, Wilcombe Primary and PETROC College.
Other Partners
Partners from business and community organisations. Such as Heathcoat Fabrics, Tiverton Community Arts Theatre, AcTIV and the Co-operative Movement represented by the Co-operative College.
Our Vision and Values
We believe that we are all responsible for all our children and so we cannot be happy until every school in the partnership is at least good.
With that in mind our aims are to:
- Make the quality of teaching and learning our top priority
- Put in place a support structure which ensures that learners can achieve their potential, both by providing a safe and happy environment and by knowing each learner as an individual
- Strive to make every learner feel a part of the community by increasing their ownership and participation
- Celebrate achievement and creativity
- Engage parents/carers in an equal partnership to support their child
- Invest in our staff to increase our skills and experience
- Celebrate and support innovation and research in teaching and learning by and with our colleagues
- Work closely with our community to raise aspiration and create opportunities and contribute fully to the life of the community
- Collaborate with our partners for the benefit of our learners
Co-operative values
- Self-help
- Self-responsibility
- Democracy
- Equality
- Equity
- Solidarity
Ethical values
- Openness
- Honesty
- Social responsibility
- Caring for others/li>